Under Pressure

I woke up this morning with the feeling really messed up, bad mood, and almost hard stress. I was really afraid when I realized that today is the eight of May. My thoughts drifted away to some big task, business fair in the next week, and certainly to my final task. May is the month with all the dealines. When I thought all of them, I felt everything was so heavy. I almost cried when I imagined that I can’t finish them in this month with this situation. Suddenly I felt I had to talk to someone, and I choosed My BestFiend, Jesus.  In my pray, I talked to Him and I said, : “God, I know You are bigger than my problems. Please held my hand when I began to lose my hope”. When my prayer was ended, my heart was a little quiet.  And I remembered my conversation with my mom last week when I told her how difficult I done my final task, and she said : “ if you do it, It will finish on time and His time”.

Then I began to think more realistic and well to plan what I’ll do for the future. And I make a list what the prority is and what the activity can do in the other time. And I was making a project that I called “my 2 hour daily project”.
My 2 hour daily prject :
-          2 hour for the bible
-          2 hour for final task
-          2 hour for English
-          2 hour for network engineering
-          2 hour for a new application
This project I make to fill my day not only by the stress of final task.

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